Allied Nursing Staff

District Nurses

District Nurses provide support to patients and their families, mainly in the patients own home. A member of the District Nursing team will identify any health care needs a patient may have and discuss a plan of care with them and, if appropriate, their family or carer.

The District Nurses can be contacted by telephone on: 01896 823629

Health Visitors

Gillian MacKay

Health Visitors are concerned with the health of the whole community and can provide support on a one to one or group basis. Particular issues targeted by Health Visitors are the well being of children, pregnant women and the elderly.

The Health Visitors can be contacted by telephone on: 01896 848347

Community Midwife

Community midwives often work in teams and provide a degree of continuity of care. In pregnancy they see you either at home or at a clinic. When you go into labour they are available for a home birth, or in a few places, they may come into the labour ward in the hospital to be with you. Once your baby is born, they’ll visit you at home for up to ten days afterwards.

To contact the Community Midwife please phone: 01896 661369